Dreamy afternoon

Picture this - you're lounging in a luxurious Boutique hotel room surrounded by an array of interesting cushions on your bed. Some are embroidered, some are plain, some are textured and some are silky satin. You feel like royalty, but something is missing. Suddenly, you realise what it is - a dreamy snack to match the dreamy setting!

You close your eyes and imagine the perfect snack. A plate of warm and fluffy French custard-filled doughnuts with a light dusting of powdered sugar. To wash it all down, a glass of refreshing, chilled orange Cointreau.

As you bite into the soft, pillowy doughnut, the creamy custard oozes out and blends perfectly with the sweetness of the dough. You take a sip of the cold, tangy orange Cointreau and feel instantly refreshed. You can't help but smile at the perfect combination of flavours, along with the cosy cushions behind you.

You sink back into your cushions, feeling pampered and content. The setting is complete, and you have the perfect day relaxing in luxury. Life is good.


Trims & Tassels


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