Once upon a time,

Once upon a time, in a large country house, there was a bright yellow cushion that sat proudly in the nursery. The cushion loved its home, surrounded by toys, books, and two lively twins named George and Flo.

Every day, the cushion watched as the twins played and laughed together. They would jump and tumble on the floor, throwing the cushion up in the air and catching it as they fell down. The cushion loved the feeling of weightlessness as it soared through the air, and the warmth of the children's hugs as they cuddled up to it for story time.

But the cushion's favorite part of the day was when Fred, the family dog, came to visit the nursery. Fred was a big, friendly dog who loved to play fetch with the children. The cushion would watch as Fred chased after the ball, his tail wagging happily in the air.

One day, the cushion decided to join in the fun. When Fred brought back the ball, the cushion bounced up and down excitedly, eager to be a part of the game. Fred barked and wagged his tail, happy to have a new friend to play with.

From that day on, the cushion became a regular part of the playtime in the nursery. It was no longer just a cushion, but a beloved member of the family, loved by all who knew it. And as the years went by, it remained in the nursery, watching over the children as they grew up and moved on to new adventures.

The end.




Camengo LIFE